I received an email today from someone who was a “consistent, persistent” participant in the studio renew community and who, upon retirement, moved out of the area to be closer to children and grandchildren (lovely sigh). He would often share quotes with me from the revered meditation teacher, Thich Nhat Hahn and continues to do so “across the distance”. Today’s quote:
Today is Today
Today is not Yesterday
Today is not Tomorrow
It reminded me of a clock that used to hang in my yoga teacher’s space which I am sharing with to inspire your practice. For an hour, a day, a week, whenever the question is asked, “What time is it?”, reply, “Now.” It would be ever so interesting if you would share responses here.
Mindfulness 101
The practice of embodiment brings our awareness to the present moment, where mind and body are together. Separation occurs when mind wanders forward to the future and back to the past. As your practice grows, you will become more aware of when this is happening and...