This too shall pass

This too shall pass

THIS TOO SHALL PASS Our adult daughter recently moved back home. I heard the comment more than a few times, “Oh you’re no longer empty nesters.” The term, empty nester, has never quite sat well with me. I mean when you look it up online you...
Take a Time in

Take a Time in

Whatever conversation I find myself in related to parenting, I hear the word “patience” come up again and again. As I look back on the experiences of parenting 3 daughters, I feel regret about the times I Could (not Should) have been more patient. So, yay...

Unlearn parenting habits

In cultivating a mindfulness practice, habitual ways of thinking and being are brought to awareness; things we think or do without thinking. When you witness your thoughts and words as a “unbiased observer”, it becomes easier to see how these thoughts and...
What time is it?

What time is it?

I received an email today from someone who was a “consistent, persistent” participant in the studio renew community and who, upon retirement, moved out of the area to be closer to children and grandchildren (lovely sigh). He would often share quotes with...